Yet I  Remain. A Poem.

Ive watched as Theyve all moved on, many long gone,

Yet I remain.

As theyve all grown up, began life,

Yet I remain.

I see perfection, opportunity, and my heart burns with jealousy,

Yet I remain.

Ive learned so much, dreams, aspirations, marginilized , relegated to a life that can no longer fulfill me, my happiness on hiatus,

Yet I remain.

Ive prayed, Ive begged, Ive pleaded, watching time slip by, terrified of losing my youth, the world is missing out on me, and I, the world,

Yet I remain.

Yet I remain, stagnated by one event, angry, pained, drained,

 I remain.

***ive never really wrote a poem, hated it in school, couple blogs i follow on here inspired me tho so feedback would be appreciated!***

Who is matt hankey?

19 years old, amateur skateboarder turned amateur blogger. Music lover, amateur music producer. Ive skated since i was 7 years old until i had a stroke when i was sixteen. I live in medford oregon, but im from pennsylvania. Theres not much to me because skateboarding was everything and ever since i lost that my lifes been comparitively empty. But not only for loss of skateboarding, i can live without that, although i never would have thought so before, but theres so much more than just skating, overall its loss of independence thats the worst, i hate not being able to dress myself, or cook, or live in general. I want to be an entrepreneur, author, activist, environmentalist, politician. Im obsessed with politics but I have what i think is a really good business idea, and a couple ideas for books, one based on the interpretation of events in my life. but im not going into detail for fear of having my ideas stolen. Haha. I used to have alot of friends, but since a lot of them had to grow up and start life after high school, i now have a lot of people who say they are friends. Im pretty lonely but when i actually hang out with someone or do something i feel guilty or angry cuz in my mind i should be working out 24/7. I smile and laugh a lot, which i think people mistake for happiness which leads them to the incorrect conclusion that i am “strong”, but i hate it, i display emotions im not really feeling because i have pseudobulbar affect or PBA. It is caused by my stroke and despite my neurologist wanting to keep me on only one prescription medicine, im gonna puh for him to prescribe something to treat it next time i see him, recovering from a stroke is hard enough without spontaneous uncontrollable outbursts of laughing during therapy! That was a big problem at saras garden, the center for conductive education therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, i go to. Its a hindrance and i cant stand it. I have no functional use of my left side, and no left peripheral vision so its really easy to sneak up on me. Although my quadrapalegic friend drives using hand controls, even if i had something rigged to drive with one hand, i couldnt get my license due to vision loss. My brain is just seriously compromised and i hate it. After my stroke i was in a coma for six weeks, i still remember the amazing dreams, music my mom played in my ear, lullabyes they played in the hospital when a baby was born, the sound of the machine that fed me, and even some things i heard nurses say. I would say the coma was the last time i was care free, but i was carefree the entire first year after my brain bleed cuz i underestimated what i was up against and thought full recovery was guaranteed cuz the doctors said so, but now it doesnt feel so guaranteed cuz i need so much more therapy its ridiculous, and insurance will never cover enough. Its this disappointment that leaves me so angry, hateful, and honestly terrified. I try to raise money for more therapy but the only reason i even got to saras garden for a month was becuz wendy and steve madden heard my story thru a mutual friend, felt compelled and paid for me to go for a month. That meant alot and it helped, but i need to be prepared for years of work, and although an abundance of money seems to fall from the sky for alot of people on these crowdfunding sites, it does not for me which only increases my jealousy tenfold, its bad enough i gotta watch all my friends grow up while i remain trapped, but now i gotta watch people raise 9 MILLION dollars for a game called exploding cats?! I need to figure somethin out cuz i need to be prepared for the long haul, and able to get all the therapy i need. This is written fairly sporadically and definitely not chronologically but whatever. Peace out yall✌️

Week 1 DOWN!

Today was my final day….THIS WEEK! Haan! Another day of hard work, just not quite as hard as yesterday, i wasnt shaking uncontrollably after CE today haha. The hyperbaric chamber wasnt too bad still not completely used to it but baby landyn slept thru our whole first dive so that was nice, even tho i can barely hear him crying with our hoods on anyway. Conductive ed went smooth, not so much pain today so not many PBA episodes. First i was sitting in my chair and she made me squeeze a ball between my knees and try to hold it for two minutes, i couldnt quite make 2 minutes. Its weird i cant get my knees to point in towards each other i just have to use my extensor tone in my legs and pretty much straighten em to pull my legs closer and hold the ball, its hard to hold cuz then the tone in my left tricep kicks in and my left arm straightens pulling me forward, but i also realized if i use my left bicep tone and bend my arm i can kinda bend my right leg better but idk this stuffs usually pretty inconsistent haha. Then we put my arms on a rung on the little ladder things, and i worked on trying to lift my butt off the chair then i did a stand and i dont think my conductor realized how tall i am cuz the rung she put my hands on too stand had me hunched over and she was tellin me tostand up straighter. Like my arms are way low and i cant even open my left hand and move it up so i was trying but i was gettin pulled forward by my arms even tho i was tryin to compensate with my back muscles, so i sat we moved my arms up and i stood decent. Then she had me sit down onto a yoga ball which was scary cuz i thought i was sitting back in my wheelchair and i landed way lower on somethin bouncy ha. So from there she had me lean way back like a bridge over the ball and stretched my back, it felt good but i kept almost rolling off the side cuz i was supposed to keep my legs from flopping out to the side, which i was trying to do but once again, all i have to work with is extensor tone so it wasnt easy and i endedup pretty much rolling off the side of the ball at the end but it was time to work on the floor then she helped bend my right leg so i could take my shoe off. After that i practiced goin down side to side on my elbows she had to help with goin onto my left elbow i could pretty much do the right, pushing back up was frustrating tho cuz even tho im trying to push up it feels like my left arm isnt doing much of anything and i could push myself back up with the right but no matter what i always pushed myself backwards too even tho i was tryin to push more forward cuz i can do it sitting on the edge of a mat and thats what im supposed to do try to swing my head forward and around while pushing up, no matter what i went backwards tho i dont get it i need to figure it out, its harder on the floor than sitting up! To end it i had to stay on the floor and take my shirt on and off i could do some or most of it with instruction id say min/mod assist maybe. Im gonna practice that in my chair i think she said it took me like 45 minutes! Hahaha i shouldve worn a tee shirt😂 and that was pretty much it not as much pain today no shaking no screaming i had to get only had to get pissed at myself a couple times for laughing for no reason but still a good workout, i think its funny how traditional therapists were skeptical of conductive education therapy but my condpuctors been workin me waay harder! I cannot wait to sleep in finally this weekend after wakin up at 530 every morning for a week and workin like crazy Peace out yall✌️shred long and prosperous✊

Sara’s Garden Arrival

Just got to our house while im doin conductive education and hyperbaric oxygen therapy at Sara’s Garden. Dont start til monday but im pretty excited theres a skatepark right across the street too! Traveling was awful as always, and i thought i hated airports before i was handicapped! Now im just chillin at the house alone, kinda scared since that 19 year old murderer just escaped from prison in ohio(where i am)!!! Shhhh ah shit i think i hear something…😱😱 hahahaha! Well peace out yall i made this cuz someone suggested it to follow how im doin here if your readin have a nice night i need to eat✌️